Cramer Atomic Balm 500ML

Cramer Atomic Balm 500ML

Medicare Effigerm First Aid Liquid Spray

Effigerm First Aid 250ml is a rinse free spray for use on: Skin & Scrapes, Rashes, navel cleansing, minor eye irritations, cleans minor wounds, scratches, insect bites,
minor burns & scalds, Acne & spots, Kills the bacteria that causes athletes foot.

€14.15 €11.50
Availability: Sold Out

- It is non-cykclotoxic, non irritating and non-sensitizing
- It has no oral toxicity
- It has no clinical contradictions for use
- Used to clean & Flush for skin irritations, hot spots,allergies and general itching
- To guard against bacteria, viral & fungal infections in wounds and problem areas                                                                                                                                        - Keeps area clean and allows to heal effectively and quickly                                                                                                                                                                          - Doesn’t sting or burn                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        - Can be used around the eyes, mouth and sensitive area                                                                                                                                                                                - Effective in mitigating nappy rash