Universal Metatarsal Gel strap covered

Universal Metatarsal Gel strap covered

Dictus Splint

Dictus Splint

Protec Plantar Fascia Support (pair)

General Application- Alleviates arch pain and discomfort

Medical Application- Alleviates conditions of plantar fasciitis(inflammation and tenderness of the plantar fascia)

How It Works- Support provides a slight lift to the arch helping to support the plantar fascia (a tough, fibrous band of tissue that runs along the sole of the foot with attachments to the heel bone and to the base of the toes). Targeted support reduces stress to the arch region and alleviates inflammation and tearing of the plantar fascia.

Design Theory- The Arch Support achieves results similar to taping techniques by offering upward compression to the arch. Therefore, support is present not only when the foot is on the ground, but when the foot is elevated between steps. Soft material offers a comfortable pad for the arch when the foot does touch the ground.

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Product Name
ProTech Plantar Fas. Arch support (pair)
€24.90 €24.90

Arch support to reduce stress and inflammation to the plantar fascia. For treatment of Plantar Faciitis.