Vyper Go

Vyper Go

Player Training Kit Advanced

Player Training Kit Advanced

Player Training Kit

The perfect kit athletes to avoid cross contamination of equipment for pre-training/game activation, gym session and on pitch work. 

The Hand Sanitiser in 120ml size is easy to carry around for the players and use at the start and end of sessions and travelling

The kit includes:

 - Green Miniband

 - Blue Miniband

 - 0.5” Powerband

 - 120ml Hand Sanitiser


This is a suggested kit and can be modified to suit your requirements. Slide pads, Myofascial release balls, rollers, stretching straps etc can be included if needed. Everything  can be kept together with the sanitiser in the carry bag and brought to each session and means that this training equipment is not being shared.


These are the products we recommend for this bundle kit but you can choose whichever individual items yourself from the list below. 

In stock
Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
Miniband Med/Green(Perform Better)
Regular Price €2.95 Special Price €2.36 €1.92
Miniband Heavy/Blue (Perform Better)
Regular Price €3.20 Special Price €2.56 €2.08
Powerband 0.5" Wide (Perform Better)
€12.18 €9.90
Hand Sanitiser 120ml
Regular Price €4.74 Special Price €3.79 €3.08
Player Rehab Bag
Regular Price €3.57 Special Price €1.78 €1.45

The perfect kit athletes to avoid cross contamination of equipment for pre-training/game activation, gym session and on pitch work. 

The Hand Sanitiser in 120ml size is easy to carry around for the players and use at the start and end of sessions and travelling

The kit includes:

 - Green Miniband

 - Blue Miniband

 - 0.5” Powerband

 - 120ml Hand Sanitiser


This is a suggested kit and can be modified to suit your requirements. Slide pads, Myofascial release balls, rollers, stretching straps etc can be included if needed. Everything  can be kept together with the sanitiser in the carry bag and brought to each session and means that this training equipment is not being shared.


These are the products we recommend for this bundle kit but you can choose whichever individual items yourself from the list below.